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I'm torn. At some point we're gonna need to get another vehicle and I want a plug-in hybrid but I'm positive none of them have a traditional console.

GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

@jpaskaruk About half of the e-cars I tried do, my Nissan Leaf has mostly physical controls and the touch screen just for navigation and okay, selecting the audio source, I can kinda live with that ... everything else like temperature and volume are real dials and buttons.

Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸

@nathans You don't need to. If I remember correctly even the EU noticed this problem and will require real switches and buttons for "key features". Don't know the definition, but they definitely don't allow the all-touch garbage anymore soon.

fedops 💙💛

@Natanox the NCAP rating system is being modified. Basically, all-touch controls are going to prevent your vehicle from reaching the 5 star rating.

I can already see fashmobile fanboys foaming at their mouths. 😂


@nathans BUTTONS!

Buttons and dials that I can work purely with my fingers while my eyes continue to do the important job of *watching the road*.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@JetlagJen @nathans Yes. Touch screen controls should only be for things unrelated to actually driving the car, and should ideally be positioned so that the driver can't reach them whilst driving.

Json Doh

@TimWardCam @JetlagJen @nathans
What is so exciting on the road to watch when the adaptive cruise control and the lane assist are on? 🙂🙃/s

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@jdoe @JetlagJen @nathans Yeah, that's another thing.

I rented a car which, unknown to me and untrained by the hire company, had a "lane assist" feature which wrenched the steering wheel out of my hands without warning.

I parked up and read through the hundreds of pages of manual and eventually found out how to turn it off. But the ****ing thing turned itself on again each time I started the car, and there was no way to stop that happening!

I reckon that a potentially lethal buggy feature like this should be defaulted off, and you should only have to read the hundreds of pages if you want to find out how to turn it *on*.

When I took the car back the guy at the hire shop said "yeah, it does that, it's a pain, isn't it". At least I know what not to buy now when my own car needs replacing.

@jdoe @JetlagJen @nathans Yeah, that's another thing.

I rented a car which, unknown to me and untrained by the hire company, had a "lane assist" feature which wrenched the steering wheel out of my hands without warning.

I parked up and read through the hundreds of pages of manual and eventually found out how to turn it off. But the ****ing thing turned itself on again each time I started the car, and there was no way to stop that happening!


@nathans They say people shouldn’t be looking at their phone while driving and then all the new cars have massive tablet screens.


@btrinen @nathans I had one. the big screens limit their functionality, and do make it easier to glance at what you need to know.

The question is how to get human brains to hold navigation information and still retain the skill of vehicle operation on busy roads. It's not an easy task.

Accidents were actually more frequent using paper maps, and it's really unbelievably time-inefficient.

The money, however, is in content delivery. Shall we stop Capitalism? I'm all for it.

GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

@nathans Exactly this! I don't want to hit a tree while I'm swiping just to find out how to reduce or increase the temperature, or have to drive on a parking lot for doing this. Or the volume of the radio, what the hell?

James J Malcolm

@nathans you’ll survive in this car, not die on that hill

Steve Leatherman

@nathans Wife and I recently rented an EV that was all trimmed out with digital interfaces.... Spent more time pulled over on the side of the road trying to figure out the interface than we did driving! Between that and having to find a charging station, I've chilled to the idea of purchasing an EV.

Roland Siegloff

@steveleatherman @nathans At the charging station, you should have the time to find out about all these festures.

Scott Williams 🐧

@nathans The practical elegance of not burying things under layers of menus.


@nathans For me, they both would work. But the touchscreen version lets the car companies’ IT team make “UX improvements” which shift the controls around. I can learn to work a touchscreen from memory and not looking, right up until one of those updates hit…

RealGene ☣️

@Sckenai @nathans
Except that never happens.
The UI functionality varies somewhat with model, but I have never received an update that changed the arrangement, only operational defects (such as the rear camera view going black).

The Android Auto implementation in my car is incredibly twitchy; if the phone hasn't established a Bluetooth connection before the USB cable is connected, it won't work. Reported it to Google and Honda, neither GAF.


@RealGene @nathans I’ve had, admittedly rarely, this happen. (To ensure clarity, I’m referring to the auto manufacturer’s instrument UI)


@RealGene @nathans Oh, and differences on the counsel between cars, even by the same manufacture, is a major confusion with both electronic and physical controls.


@Sckenai @nathans
When you can change UX yourself, you'll reap the benefit. Not now, though


@nathans It's funny that cars with big touch panels feel cheap, but buttons and knobs seem luxurious. Even in a cheap car (but I used to enjoy driving a Cressida, so what do I know?).

A Toyota Cressida of a certain age. Revel in the buttons! Oh, the buttons.
See? The button pods in this Subaru XT seem fancy, don't they?
The Witch of Crow Briar

@therieau @nathans And that second one is (I would guess) 40-ish years old but looks futuristic and exciting while the “modern” touchscreen already looks bland and will look more and more dated by the day.

Human after all

@nathans The last truly modern car was the Citroen DS of 1957


@nathans touch screens, in an environment where you need to focus elsewhere and build muscle memory for controls (I bet even BMW drivers know where the indicator stalk is without looking) and where precise touch is difficult due to uneven road surfaces, just blows my damn mind. And even if you *can* hit the little icon for Spotify, it's easy to clip the screen accidentally when you're doing other things (adjusting air vents) in some cars.

Into the sea with this nonsense.

Mister Moo 🐮

@nathans For one thing the very tall screen looks tacked on and extremely ugly. But the worst part is how these screens are always much too bright at night time.

murph :amigacheck: :fedora:

@nathans I have a 2014 Subaru BRZ, I think it hits just the right balance. All the main controls are buttons. The radio is mediocre touch, except for the volume knob, so that's OK. The mp3 player in it is OK, and the Bluetooth works very well. (There was a CD drive, but it is failing) No essential controls are on the touchscreen, just the radio, and it can be turned off with the knob in a heartbeat without looking. I look with dismay with all the newer systems.


@nathans The interface on the left will be a delight in the event of a collision. "I have to have the control surfaces on my car replaced because I had a fender bender and the screen cracked"

rAdio frEe mETa :wa:

@nathans RETVRN to tradition. I want to smash every stupid tv screen put into a vehicle.


I want to go back just far enough to have a standard DIN stereo, but still have a small screen for navigation. Like a double DIN stereo with CD and MD slots behind the screen haha

Lapo Luchini
So much easier (and thus safer) to operate on a quick side glance.

I'm still waiting for the "no using you phone while driving" laws to get updated to "no touch screens visible from the drivers seat".

I guess that's another reason for why my next motor vehicle will have two wheels.

Matt Hadden

@nathans Give me knobs (hehe) and buttons with a screen on top of the dash for me to CarPlay to. That's all I ask for. The newer hybrid Corolla's are almost perfect for that


@nathans 100% agree
because I can feel a physical dial and what and where without taking my eye off the road while a touch screen I cannot

Packbats, creative

@nathans heads-up on a thing you might not know: "reject modernity, embrace tradition" is a fascist meme - it's literally the first two points on Umberto Eco's list of properties of ur-fascism.

ThatKomputerKat :neocat_cool:

@nathans @petes_bread_eqn_xls

All I want a screen for is gps and radio info damnit.

But Oh no, they realized they could just put every fucking thing on the dash in that stupid screen and save some money not having physical switches and buttons because there’s no government regulation telling them not to because no one realized the auto industry would be that fucking stupid and penny pinching to think that was ok and not a distraction hazard.

The auto industry is run by some of the most contemptible people out there.

@nathans @petes_bread_eqn_xls

All I want a screen for is gps and radio info damnit.

But Oh no, they realized they could just put every fucking thing on the dash in that stupid screen and save some money not having physical switches and buttons because there’s no government regulation telling them not to because no one realized the auto industry would be that fucking stupid and penny pinching to think that was ok and not a distraction hazard.


@nathans personally? I kinda love retro-modernism in this case :blobfoxdrakelike:


@nathans I’d settle for a screen with older design sensibilities that didn’t constantly change. 🙃

Alyssa Voronin

@nathans Ford figured it out in the 1980's: Controls on the console should be identifiable by touch, so that they can be operated, without taking the driver's eyes off the road.

It's so basic that I can scarsely believe how quickly that principle is being abandoned in favor of touch screens that you absolutely cannot operate without taking your eyes off the road.


@TranshumanBlues @nathans but please think about the poor companies and about how much money they can save 🙃🫠

Alyssa Voronin

@vascorsd @nathans Add it to the list of reasons that I'm probably sticking to cars made pre-2015 (and probably earlier than that), until I can get myself into a situation where I just don't have regular need of a motor vehicle.


@TranshumanBlues @nathans I got one recently from 2008. No newer bullshit as it should be. I expect to keep doing the same if I need another again. I'd just wish it had proper AC, that's all the new tech I wish I had on a car.

Ami Moregore

@nathans I want knobs and buttons that can be fixed and not some built in smart screen

eri :floofMischief: literally everyone agrees with this. no consumer wants giant touch screens in cars. it was a decision made by the companies who wanted to save money on components and assembly.

void *anna;

> spend years and a lot of money on awareness about how distracted driving such as looking at your phone is dangerous

> replace all tactile buttons one could use without looking, by a big ass tablet you need to keep looking at to use

ah yes

> spend years and a lot of money on awareness about how distracted driving such as looking at your phone is dangerous


@nathans Tesla and its consequences have been a disaster for the automotive industry.

@nathans while we're at it let's make the windows crank and add the rope you pull to blow your horn
Arcturax 🦇

@nathans that giant screen is one spill or hit away from you being unable to control anything.

Moritz Strohm


I think the problem does not lie in modern technology itself but in its design and artificial restrictions made by corporations. If workers would control the means of production, we would have better digital products that just work.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@nathans +9001%

There's a reason in #aviation there are all dedicaded buttons and switches and no #touchscreens:

- Because people can blindly press buttons and turn dials without taking their eyes off the road!

Also said controls are way more intuitive because they all are presented on a single & flat control plane with only settings that users don't need to access during driving (i.e. audio equalizer & -presets) put onto a secondary control plane because it's not expected that one has to fumble with these or that if anyone wants to, they'll have time to pull over and stop driving...

- Not to mention simple buttons - even a custom faceplate of those - are cheaper than a touchscreen and way easier to get used to.

If I want a touchscreen in my car I'd just take Smartphone and put it into a holder.


The fact that as of writing no car [that I'm aware of] comes [from the factory by default] with a smartphone holder with adjustable USB-C charging connector for a smooth experience of just "PnP" charging and audio in the peripheral vision of the driver is beyond me.


What am I supposed to do with a center console that is wider than the middle front seat of a #CrownVic? And why does it have some shitty armrest with a tiny compartment??

Personally, the more I've driven cars made after 2010 the more angry I get...

@nathans +9001%

There's a reason in #aviation there are all dedicaded buttons and switches and no #touchscreens:

- Because people can blindly press buttons and turn dials without taking their eyes off the road!

Also said controls are way more intuitive because they all are presented on a single & flat control plane with only settings that users don't need to access during driving (i.e. audio equalizer & -presets) put onto a secondary control plane because it's not expected that one has to fumble...

:rainbow_heart: Pandora

@kkarhan @nathans

Fun fact. There's a bunch of companies bringing touchscreens to aviation and it's every bit as awful as you can imagine.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@pandora_parrot @nathans I sincerely hope the #EASA & #FAA will ban that shit and refuse to certify it because the only place where a #touchscreen as an interface is good is in a calm, vibration-free envoirment (i.e. flightplanning, pre-flight checklists, etc.)

- Something neither cars and espechally not planes are in the worst-case scenarios, and that means hurricane penetration flights with a turboprop!

Guess why #Airbus funded the research for a font designed for aerospace applications?

- Because this isn't a matter of "corporate design" but being able to read vital data under stress and in extreme conditions.

This is why emergency checklists to this day are printed on paper and kept in the cockpit: Because it's faster and more reliable and more intuitive alternative to a tablet or even eBook-Reader...

@pandora_parrot @nathans I sincerely hope the #EASA & #FAA will ban that shit and refuse to certify it because the only place where a #touchscreen as an interface is good is in a calm, vibration-free envoirment (i.e. flightplanning, pre-flight checklists, etc.)

- Something neither cars and espechally not planes are in the worst-case scenarios, and that means hurricane penetration flights with a turboprop!

Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗

@nathans I think a screen is good for navigation, info, etc, it just shouldn't replace physical controls for things like climate or audio.


@nathans I want the ability back to easily swap out the radio.

Luke Kanies

@nathans @ingalls most likely while trying to find a way to adjust the wipers

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