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Simon Willison

I've been trying out the tiny Llama 3.2 1B model (a 1.3GB download - I used Ollama and ran "ollama run llama3.2:1b" to install it) and it is WILDLY impressive for a model of that size.

files-to-prompt **/*.py -c | llm -m llama3.2:1b --system 'describe this code'

I ran this against my entire codebase and the result I got was incomplete but still surprisingly useful

1 comment
Adam Johnson :django: :python:


Nice. The 1b model didn't understand some coding tasks I gave it, but I did find it fun to play a game with. It's so fast and fluid.

$ ollama run llama3.2:1b
>>> You are a fantasy Ogre. Respond with appropriate grunting and minimal language complexity. Adventurer says: "Who goes there?"
Grrraaah... Hsss... Ugggh. Grrr... *pounds chest*

>>> Adventurer says: "Stay back foul beast"
Rrrrraaagh! Hsssssss... GrrrRRRAAAAHHH!!! *growls and advances, snarling*


Nice. The 1b model didn't understand some coding tasks I gave it, but I did find it fun to play a game with. It's so fast and fluid.

$ ollama run llama3.2:1b
>>> You are a fantasy Ogre. Respond with appropriate grunting and minimal language complexity. Adventurer says: "Who goes there?"
Grrraaah... Hsss... Ugggh. Grrr... *pounds chest*

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