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@void @inex Oh god we got fragmented packets and DNS leaks in our TCP joke!

Breaking character, I agree, I fight this all too often. Somewhere they started teaching tech without fundamentals. This also becomes a game of telephone when they pass it on and you have to correct 2nd and 3rd generation swiss cheese.

Also - you two convinced me that ending my social exodus and choosing mastodon were both good calls!

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Inex Code

@doubleelforbes @void this, and abstractions created by smartphones, create new challenges for us at the uni department.

Like, for example, previous semester I've been doing C++ programming seminars with the same group. At first everything was kinda fine, but most of them were using an online compiler to do their assignments. I decided to stop that and prepared a seminar where they had to just take a bunch of functions they wrote before, pack them in a single file, write a primitive header file, and write a simple program that uses this "library". Then, compile it by themselves, using GCC. I wrote a detailed manual on every step of this process.

But what I didn't anticipate is that they would struggle with creating files. Opening a folder in VS Code. Understanding that their files are in a tree. So I had to prepare another seminar and resources on what is a file, what is a directory, what is a file system tree, how are they different across Windows/MacOS/Linux, and the basic course on how to move across folders in a terminal.

To the freshmen in a university with high entrance exam scores. With actually difficult exams on informatics. I can't believe that we got there.

@doubleelforbes @void this, and abstractions created by smartphones, create new challenges for us at the uni department.

Like, for example, previous semester I've been doing C++ programming seminars with the same group. At first everything was kinda fine, but most of them were using an online compiler to do their assignments. I decided to stop that and prepared a seminar where they had to just take a bunch of functions they wrote before, pack them in a single file, write a primitive header file,...

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