@drewdevault This is pretty good, seems to capture the big points well. But a thing to keep in mind is that autistic people are more likely to be victims of abuse than the perpetrators of it, and that includes sexual abuse. In general, autistic people aren't potential threats to be wary of, and the big problem isn't how to keep autistic people from using autism as an excuse for bad behavior. It's far more likely we'll be misunderstood and punished for not being able to play the allistic social game the right way and blamed for things we never did or intended. That doesn't excuse abuse or being an asshole, but it does complicate whether others can correctly recognize it. It also pisses me off that NT folk will write about whether ND folk are problematic, but rarely write about how excluding us is problematic or how to be more inclusive. A lot of this is the DoubleEmpathyProblem, which is probably the most important concept for understanding autism. It's a big deal in the autistic community now, but ironically, most allistic folk have never heard of it. Anyway, good blog post and thanks for reaching out and listening to ND folk.