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Simon Willison

@miki I get the impression China has been living a version of this for quite a while now, especially with respect to facial recognition

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Mikołaj Hołysz

@simon And not just China, I like to watch people reading Reddit stories on YT when doing chores, and "redrum" (murder), "grape" (rape) and "spicy time" (sex) are words these people have to use to avoid drawing the ire of the allmighty algorithms.

For now that's just "simple" keyword and voice / face recognition. As tech progresses and models get smaller, it'll become a lot more pernicious.

I think a "no more discussions of copyright infringement and vaccine conspiracy theories on the internet" law (that actually works) is something we will get in the next 20-ish years in at least one major country.

@simon And not just China, I like to watch people reading Reddit stories on YT when doing chores, and "redrum" (murder), "grape" (rape) and "spicy time" (sex) are words these people have to use to avoid drawing the ire of the allmighty algorithms.

For now that's just "simple" keyword and voice / face recognition. As tech progresses and models get smaller, it'll become a lot more pernicious.

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