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Yo Soy Freeman


I was going to say i can understand the push back from some folks, but after reading the comments those are not even constructed opinions, just borderline personal attacks and insults. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

I think this time is not so much about FOSS purism as is literal fear to META. I believe there is a valid and interesting discussion about big open source projects and their relations with companies, but this is not the way to have it.

Yo Soy Freeman


The work done is objectively great and it shows all the hard work put to make it possible. I remember the Github discussions abut this long time ago and i know is been a challenge. You can be very proud of yourselves!

Disco Cat

@YoSoyFreeman @akien oh I just saw your toot. I think you are correct. Maybe this time, anti-Meta sentiment mixed with the usual foss elitism...


@cmdrDiscoCat @YoSoyFreeman @akien I like Mastodon, but no, Godot's Masto audience is consistently highly opinionated, holier-than-thou pricks. It's a super toxic environment. I've also heard the same echos from other OSS projects. It seems that the high concentration of anti-establishment people here also favors higher concentration than usual of tankies and other undiscerning leftishists

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