@chad We have a Tesla now. But never again. The drive train is good but everything else is designed by people who thought they could discard a century of automotive design experience.

- The front upper wishbone (that holds the wheel in place) design leaks water into the ball-joint.

- The front hood can come loose. There are no emergency door opening levers for the rear seats.

- The charge port cover (and other pieces) don't fit well and often doesn't open.

- The driver interface is designed by people who are 18, do not drive, do not have drivers licenses, have perfect vision and love tiny transparent grey text on a grey background, and who view the world only though an iPhone. What other car would think that the way to turn off cruise control is to put the car into reverse at 75mph? And it can take a co-pilot to figure out how to safely operate important controls like windshield wipers or high beams on the headlights, or lesser controls such as the ventilation system.