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Simon Willison

I was on another podcast! TWIML - This Week in Machine Learning & AI - where we mainly talked about using LLMs to help with programming

I extracted and edited a couple of sections from the episode transcript, about the difference between exploratory and production coding with LLMs plus some more notes on prototyping

Simon Willison

"If you go to a meeting with five people, and you’ve got a working prototype, the conversation will be so much more informed than if you go in with an idea and a whiteboard sketch.

I’ve always been a prototyper, but I feel like the speed at which I can prototype things in the past 12 months has gone up by an order of magnitude.

[...] I can tap a thing into my phone, and 30 seconds later, I’ve got a user interface in Claude Artifacts that illustrates the idea that I’m trying to explore."


Prototyping with Claude is amazing!
But a big issue starts when you need a more intricate feature to showcase the prototype and Claude just can't do it. Then you wasted all that time, in which you could do it manually.
I need another tool. Could be Replit, or maybe it still makes sense to go back to code with Cursor or Zed?


Simon Willison

@NoiseColor @amalgam_ I've never felt like the time I spent getting Claude to build things for me could have been better spent writing the code manually - I'll often take over from Claude and finish things up myself, but I still feel like I got a HUGE boost from it doing that initial work for me

Jonathan B ✈️🪄👨🏻‍💻

@simon I’ve not listened but had a play with Claude (just the free tier) to rapidly play with a Django app idea I had… wow it’s better than I expected!


@simon I found this episode quite entertaining and informative, thanks

#genAI #LLMs

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