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Mister Moo 🐮

@williampietri "Reddit also stopped providing public data archives, and now they sell their archives at a price that only OpenAI will pay.

And given what's happening to the field, I don't blame them."

I do. Reddit's mid-2023 moves were, and still are, disgraceful and have resulted in a reduction of my usage by 99%. (Yes, I know I'm the only one.)

ಚಿರಾಗ್ 🌹✊🏾Ⓥ🌱🇵🇸 (he/him)

@MisterMoo @williampietri You're not the only one. When they killed third-party apps, I stopped going to Reddit.

Alex Ball

@chiraag @MisterMoo Same! I didn’t even use a third-party client, but shutting them out was the reason I walked away.

tired blip

@chiraag @MisterMoo @williampietri there's three of us. I deleted all my data and my account. I still end up with a bunch of Reddit access via proxy frontends via LibRedirect, because Reddit is still the central forum of the internet where everything that doesn't live on Twitter or Facebook/Insta lives, and I often want to read forum-style content, but... It's read-only for me, and via a frontend.

David Nash

@MisterMoo @williampietri Yet another one. Reddit (outside of was really only tolerable with third-party apps and when Reddit effectively killed those off, I deleted my account and much of what I wrote there (which already wasn’t a lot). I’ll still look at plausible search results from Reddit as long as that’s still a useful trick, but that’s about it.

DC Rat

@MisterMoo @williampietri I really hope somebody leaks the twitter database. The use of that dataset in Because Internet is amazing.

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