I am using it because you stated that there is no way to train a network on CC0'd data and some other bullshit, and I wanted to prove you wrong. Now that we have agreed on that and we can dismiss the "its unethical" argument, we can move to I never claimed that AI generated art is better than procedurally created art, I just said it was art, and now you are trying to play an strawman on me. I do not think that this conversation is in good faith, so I would like to conclude here.
@remenca I never claimed that you can't. I said that you don't (as in: people don't). It's unethical because the ethically obtained results are shit, plain and simple.
If you come in good faith you shouldn't have replied to a thread with an irrelevant argument in the first place. OP is not talking about that. I just wanted to explain _why_ it is irrelevant and why you got blocked by Eniko.