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Now, if we move into whether LLMs can be fair or not compared to procedural algorithms I must concede. But again, this was not the original topic. And ofc there is people working in AI reflect a lot on that and that is why there is a lot of people working in fairness and efficiency. Others only care about money, but that also happens in other fields.



Finally, I'd like extend this concern for fairness and the consequences of automation to other fields, such as yours for instance. I see you hold a PhD in computer science. Have you wondered if the impact of all automatization carried thanks to computers? Did anyone gave a fuck about all the people who lost their jobs because an industrial robot replaced them in a factory? Probably not.



The only difference is that instead of a poor fucker being the one to lose their job, now it is the turn of intellectual workers who (mistakenly) thought that they were free from being threatened by automatization. And the sheer scale of the problem. But that's all.

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