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Gary Bunker

@eniko I attempted to explain recently that what computer scientists think of as "artificial intelligence" and what the marketing guys have relabeled "machine learning" are vastly different things. I am not sure I made an impression.

Marty Fouts

@AndySocial @eniko machine learning has been a sub field of AI since the 1950s when a computer learned to play checkers by trial and error. LLMs are the result of one of the many ways to implement machine learning. AI researchers have always called the things that they develop “AI”, to indicate what field of research produced the things. The problem is that “AI” stands for both the research and the intended result and people are intentionally confusing the two.

Gary Bunker

@MartyFouts @eniko My attempt to explain to a non-geek said that "AI" is a giant tent, and it contains a lot of things, from machine learning models that have been in use for decades to large language models and generative systems to the holy grail of general AI. Again, I may have been wasting my breath, but at least I hope I helped clear up the whole "AI is always bad" thing.

Marty Fouts

@AndySocial Unfortunately most of the people who actively oppose LLMs have decided that LLM=AI=bad and there is no chance of undoing that now. At least the OP of this thread limited the context to machine learning rather than all of AI.

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