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Xandra Granade 🏳️‍⚧️

@eniko The AI con artists have succeeded in part by absorbing shit that already existed and was really cool. It fucking sucks and really saddens me that procgen is yet another thing caught in the crossfire.



Wouldn't surprise me if pro-ai/llm people started that idea intentionally.

Like calling LLM AI, and shoving it into everything, and declaring it's in stuff it's not in. It makes it hard to tell sort out the field. It's makes it feel inevitable, like it's already won, cause people to just accept it, etc.


Frank Hightower

@antijingoist @xgranade @eniko
To be fair, LLMs are AI... in the same way that private jets are transport. But what we're doing is treating bicycles as private jets because a charter private jet service filed as "transport"


@antijingoist @xgranade @eniko AI is just a overused buzzword! My 2010 piano has AI features: Casio could have named it "Automatic Chord Prediction", but they decided to call it "AI Fingered" mode. :char_Well:

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