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Marty Fouts

@eniko This is an excellent example of a term that historically originated in AI research but that has a modern use that is not the same. Harold Cohen conceived of a procedural image generator in the 60s. In the 70s he started developing AARON, an AI procedural image generator and continued until his death.

AARON is why procedural generation is associated with AI but most game procgen does not use AI techniques. /1

Marty Fouts

@eniko A well known exception, a procedural generator that uses AI to generate crowds and their behavior for videosand movies is MASSIVE, used by Peter Jackson in some movies. But as far as I know not in games.

Marty Fouts

#ai #gamedev #procgen Help request: I found a white paper about AI in games but I don’t know enough about game development to evaluate it. I would like to hear experienced game developers’ evaluation.

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