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@eniko I've never heard this talking point before, it's quite stupid and nonsensical.
That being said, I feel the same frustration when people compare the vast field that is AI, to what crappy, unethical, greedy companies like OpenAI produce. Generative AI is but a tiny subset, I personally work on real-time hand gesture recognition which has a lot of applications, and doesn't use illegaly obtained data for training. I do understand the anger coming off artists and writers though!


@rosco @eniko yeah, LLMs and giant generative AI models are tainting a lot of fields that are only similar because many people don't understand any of the technologies being talked about.


@LovesTha @eniko Yeah, it's exactly like when people were comparing "cryptography" and "cryptocurrency"..


@rosco @eniko @mynameistillian Ye. Meanwhile I study materials science and we use AI models to make new prototypes of composites. The thing is, they're not quite the same things as the corpos are doing (and while they benefited from the boom they were around since like 2013). We don't ask ChatGPT to give us formulas or anything.


@maxthefox @eniko @mynameistillian I think the issue is not the generative models per se, it's the insatiable greed of corpos that collect data without consent (yet they have no issues crushing anyone who dare infringe on their copyrights), and hype it up to be the solution to every problem because they can afford to pay for huge datacenters (and waste a hell lot of energy in the process). It's an issue that far predates the "AI craze".


@maxthefox @eniko @mynameistillian Of course the tech itself (generative models) should be heavily regulated as it can obviously be used with ill-intent (inpersonation, fake news, etc..).


@rosco @eniko The problem is, that certain people and organizations work hard on conflating those terms in the public understanding so they can better argue in favor of their plagiarism machines, because "everyone else is doing AI too!"


@avis_jay @eniko Yup, downright criminal behaviour if you ask me. The leniency we give towards blatant disinformation never cease to amaze me.

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