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🇨🇦️Lunatic At Large 🇨🇦️

@Vivaldi If Vivaldi were to have a sync feature like FF does, and be opensource, I'd move over in a flash. As it sits now, Vivaldi is a backup browser. I use it as a "second opinion " browser should something look odd in another one.

🇨🇦️Lunatic At Large 🇨🇦️

@starfennec @Vivaldi Thanks for this.
I took a quick look at it and it does the 2 things I'm after, plus a few more. I'll take a closer look this afternoon to see what's what with it.

Sean Bala

@lunaticatlarge @Vivaldi I think the browser itself is open source. It is the interface that is not. That is because they do a lot of unique things to make it so insanely customizable. The Vivaldi team has been very open about it and I appreciate their candor. I think they have earned my trust until I'm proven otherwise. I'll take the four-fifths of a loaf rather than seeking out the perfect thing.

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