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We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (, and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions ( 

James Britt


Sorry to hear.

Best of luck being an ad company captivated by unreliable "AI".


@mozilla don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Kevin Russell

Mozilla needs governance system change. It is not choosing the right leaders. It has the wrong leaders.

Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​

@mozilla outside the engineering teams, a Firefox account never actually came to Mastodon. On Threads, Firefox doesn't even use the Fediverse integration.

I always found that a little weird.

But, I guess we now know - outside engineering, the Fediverse is not something Mozilla + Firefox ever really believed in.

Jiří Eischmann

@chris_hayes @mozilla I think it's probably for the better. I prefer having the people of Mozilla to the official corporate account run by some PR pro here.

Chris​‌​‬ Hayes‌​​​

@sesivany @mozilla true, I recall people getting tired of the Firefox account just posting about new color themes, haha.


@mozilla This will be shutdown, so Mozilla can put more resources into integrating "ai" capabilities in their browser. For people wanting to stay on Mastodon, I suggest moving to Vivaldi. (their browser is "ai" free :)


@mozilla will you guys be doing anything this year that people will approve of?

Chris Lowles

@mozilla sweet another project you killed a decade too early



Maybe go back to focusing on the core product, that is the browser. It has become such a cranky, slow, bloated joke that #Firefox is mostly unusable now. And that's probably not because of the codebase, since Floorp and Librewolf perform much better, and the new Zen browser is about as good as any Chromium-based browsers.

I suspect Mozilla is a front for Google, for the purpose of deflecting accusations of monopoly yet make Firefox so shitty to entice people to download Chrome.

Hi I'm Sean

@mozilla oh shit! That's a bummer.

If anyone in the New York metropolitan area is looking for a new home, is open!

Just Bob 🇺🇲♒🐧


Despite having blockers, Firefox is allowing ad popups 🤬 so, no surprise they are shutting down this 🤬🤬🤬

Tim Yocum

@mozilla every time I attempt to pivot back to Mozilla products, y’all do something to make me reconsider. AI slop, privacy, now bailing on the one social platform not run or invested in by odious techbros… sigh.


@mozilla I'm sure they will leave the Matrix too when there will be better alternative.

Actually Zulip looks nice but couldn't try it yet, they have alternative too.


@mozilla Did ChatGPT tell you to do that? 😂

Reiddragon :ablobcatattention:
@mozilla now how about you end your bullshit projects like AI chatbot integration and browser-level ad tracking, too? feel like there are far more resources to reclaim there
Urban Camera


"The social network of the future."


Mister Softie :zc:

@mozilla I guess you need to invest in AI so it can give me wrong answers because it is the Thing right now (amazing you all didn't do NFTs)


@mozilla Good. I didn't see any benefit from this initiative at any point, just additional costs. But at least it wasn't another "let's buy another random start-up".


@mozilla at least move to Bluesky, others are shit platforms.

nesc ꑭ

Will you post some kind of post-mortem and details of what gone wrong/right?


@mozilla So a free, open unadvertised social space accessible to all was simply an experiment to #Mozilla?

Mozilla is leaving a movement, not a place. Sad to see them make such a pitiful “peace out” statement to their 20k followers.

Have no fear, I’m sure those still interested can pay Elon to tune into Mozilla’s paywalled X account for more ads and updates as they continue their descent into obscurity.

Amy Dentata

@mozilla this is a great idea, now the fediverse won't be able to tell you how terrible all your recent decisions are

Rafael Martins

@mozilla just destroying company reputation day after day. it is a shame that firefox is still the only usable alternative to chrome/chromium

Hubert Figuière

@mozilla Believing in everything and nothing at the same time. As a former Mozillian, I feel that you have totally lost the plot and onyl represent despair. Despair that the org doesn't believe in its mission.

But I know you never listened to people anyway, so what's the point?

Lennart Hengstmengel

@mozilla what a disappointment. At least tell us why.


@mozilla Where on Mastodon will we be able to follow your work?

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

@mozilla what a disappointment. A pattern is emerging…

fabos 🏳️‍🌈

@mozilla you should also drop out of your browser business. Seems, you're not worthy to be part of a trusted, open minded society. Say, do you also support Trump like Musk, since you fell back to it's lap?

Harry W.

@mozilla well this sucks.
As a long time fan of @mozilla, it's becoming hard to respect or recommend any of your products. Seems like most get discontinued or abandoned.

Please, pick a product direction and _stick_ to it.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mozilla Are you *actually* telling us that you, Mozilla, one of the largest FOSS companies in the world, can't afford to host a server for 270 MAU?

Very big L, Mozilla.

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