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Low Quality Facts

Trying to find people I relate to on Mastodon. Please boost if you:

-don't believe in the Pythagorean theorem.

-once saw a psychic who told you that you will die at an all you can eat buffet.

-think that cops should give you one chance to rock, paper, scissors your way out of a speeding ticket.

-microdose bananas to keep your potassium levels stable.

-constantly say sorry whenever you're walking just in case you bump into a ghost.

James Wells

Four out of five ain't bad.

BTW, Pythagoras is fake news.

Guillaume Ross

@lowqualityfacts That last point…. are you trying to get boosted by every Canadian on Mastodon?



Also, please boost if you believe in the Phlogiston Theory, in its day the equivalent* of today's Dark Matter Theory.


*Equivalent in respect of being a simple explanation for something no one understood at the time.

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

πŸ₯₯ What you have here in this list, Mr Facts, is the concept of a plan for a very happy life. Thank YOU for sharing it with us.
Eye, for one, expect to be following it perfectly in 2 weeks. πŸ₯₯

Maj1 🌢️🐿️

@lowqualityfacts Defo the 3rd one LQF & I once met a psychic at an all you can eat buffet who told me I would die - does that count?

Have a good one my friend πŸ˜ŠπŸ«ΆπŸΏοΈπŸ––


@MAJ1 @lowqualityfacts I was told I'd make a killing at an all-you-can-eat buffet and I'm starting to feel a bit worried about it.


@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.sociaWe are Canadian, ghosts matter too.

Fiona Craig

@lowqualityfacts 2/5 - can I join your gang or am I going to have to do some kind of counterfactual hazing in which people are nice to me?

Claudius Link

I actually really don't believe in the Pythagorean theorem (in non-
Euclidean geometries 😜 )


@lowqualityfacts I mean dieing at a buffets sounds like a true warriors death right there

teledyn π“‚€


We live in a world where half think the earth is flat, while the other half think space is. πŸ˜”



> think that cops should give you one chance to rock, paper, scissors your way out of a speeding ticket.

Maybe not that, but they should definitely let you off with a warning if you've got some niche things in common.

Looking at you, officer who wrote me a ticket then tried to bond with me over my Dead Can Dance bumper sticker.


Spherical and hyperbolic geometry say "hi".

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