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I've been thinking about posting this story for a few days. A timely topic! @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

Dangerous, polluting #SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.

by David Zipper, April 2024

"Cars, you might have noticed, have grown enormous.

"Low-slung station wagons are all but extinct on American roads, and even sedans have become an endangered species. (Ford, producer of the iconic Model T a century ago, no longer sells any sedans in its home market.) Bulky SUVs and pickup trucks — which have themselves steadily added pounds and inches — now comprise more than four out of every five new cars sold in the US, up from just over half in 2013, even as national household size steadily declines.

"The expanding size of automobiles — a phenomenon I call #CarBloat — has deepened a slew of national problems. Take #RoadSafety: Unlike peer nations, the US has endured a steep rise in #TrafficDeaths, with fatalities among #pedestrians and #cyclists, who are at elevated risk in a crash with a huge car, recently hitting 40-year highs. Vehicle occupants face danger as well. A 2019 study concluded that compared to a smaller vehicle, an SUV or a pickup colliding with a smaller car was 28 percent and 159 percent, respectively, more likely to kill that car’s driver.

"Car bloat also threatens the planet. Because heavier vehicles require more energy to move, they tend to gulp rather than sip the gasoline or electricity that powers them, increasing #GreenhouseGas emissions. Extra weight also accelerates the erosion of #roadways and #tires, straining highway maintenance budgets and releasing #microplastics that damage #ecosystems."

Read more:


@DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

>>Ford, producer of the iconic Model T a century ago, no longer sells any sedans in its home market.<<

But Ford's website says "Ford has quite an impressive line-up of new cars"!

"The Family of Ford Cars":

Mustang. That's it.


Bill Woodcock
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

...and calling them "new" is utter bullshit.

I've also found interesting that the two actual new cars that Ford is mostly hanging their hat on, the Explorer and the Capri, are basically just different sheetmetal on the same skateboard. Essentially identical specs. Just positioning them to appeal to slightly different demographics. I guess. And it's not really clear that either one is a better deal than the Mach-E.
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

...and calling them "new" is utter bullshit.

I've also found interesting that the two actual new cars that Ford is mostly hanging their hat on, the Explorer and the Capri, are basically just different sheetmetal on the same skateboard. Essentially...
Jordan Biserkov

@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen
It's also quite telling that when you click "Vehicles" -> "SUVs & Cars" -> "See the Ford Family of SUVs & Cars" it takes you to which has the header "Ford SUVs" on the top of the page, and no "Ford Cars" or equivalent header downward. Just SUVs. 🤦‍♂️


Could of sworn does used to have a range. Now it's a van, two massive trucks, an SUV & a sports car.
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

William B Peckham

@wtsparrow @jbiserkov @RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen In the USA SUVs qualify as light trucks so they don't have to meet the same mileage and safety requirements as a family car. And yes, I do know that's totally ridiculous, but that's the way it is.


@wtsparrow @jbiserkov @RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen i looked at the website. It's literally all SUVs, pick ups and a few vans sprinkled in between plus the GT. You literally cannot buy a small car from ford in the US

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