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Bread and Circuses

I often go on long walks around my neighborhood for exercise. And I often see ridiculously huge trucks or SUVs parked on the street.

These monstrosities are not only ugly, they're also extremely dangerous.

But fortunately, Jen Sorenson (@jensorensen) has a solution!

Eva Chanda

She's on mastodon too! Her cartoons are🔥🔥🔥 @jensorensen


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen
Jen Sorensen is a treasure, and these vehicles are ridiculous as well as deadly to pedestrians. Here is some recent news:


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen
Sorry i don't have links, but there's been some interesting reporting about how the auto industry has been progressively swelling the size of pickup trucks to dodge EPA fuel mileage regulations. And yes there's an entire sector of the "backup camera" market dedicated to nose cameras, just to accommodate these rigs.

undead enby of the apocalypse

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen @seanfroot nose camera! Sometimes I feel like we somehow ended up in the parallel universe parody news articles come from!


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen As a pedestrian, I'd be interested in a comparison of frontover deaths between pickups, semi tractors, and buses. I'm curious to see if it's the vehicle's fault or the driver's negligence.


@apples_and_pears @breadandcircuses @jensorensen I think buses have a much smaller blind area. They have bigger front windows and (with the exception of school buses) no front hood.


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen Then there'd be an increase in deaths due to falling off stilts... and the ensuing uproar about stilt safety... can you imagine? Stilt airbags, gyro-stabilized stilts, self-walking stilts? Aaah, it's already getting out of hand!!

(Sarcasm, of course... maybe they should regulate the truck size)

undead enby of the apocalypse

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen @MyYeeHaa stilts for smaller cars! And stilts for bicycles! (Wait, that already exists, those are called tallbikes)


I've been thinking about posting this story for a few days. A timely topic! @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

Dangerous, polluting #SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.

by David Zipper, April 2024

"Cars, you might have noticed, have grown enormous.

"Low-slung station wagons are all but extinct on American roads, and even sedans have become an endangered species. (Ford, producer of the iconic Model T a century ago, no longer sells any sedans in its home market.) Bulky SUVs and pickup trucks — which have themselves steadily added pounds and inches — now comprise more than four out of every five new cars sold in the US, up from just over half in 2013, even as national household size steadily declines.

"The expanding size of automobiles — a phenomenon I call #CarBloat — has deepened a slew of national problems. Take #RoadSafety: Unlike peer nations, the US has endured a steep rise in #TrafficDeaths, with fatalities among #pedestrians and #cyclists, who are at elevated risk in a crash with a huge car, recently hitting 40-year highs. Vehicle occupants face danger as well. A 2019 study concluded that compared to a smaller vehicle, an SUV or a pickup colliding with a smaller car was 28 percent and 159 percent, respectively, more likely to kill that car’s driver.

"Car bloat also threatens the planet. Because heavier vehicles require more energy to move, they tend to gulp rather than sip the gasoline or electricity that powers them, increasing #GreenhouseGas emissions. Extra weight also accelerates the erosion of #roadways and #tires, straining highway maintenance budgets and releasing #microplastics that damage #ecosystems."

Read more:

I've been thinking about posting this story for a few days. A timely topic! @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

The reckless policies that helped fill our streets with ridiculously large cars

Dangerous, polluting #SUVs and pickups took over America. Lawmakers are partly to blame.

by David Zipper, April 2024


@DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

>>Ford, producer of the iconic Model T a century ago, no longer sells any sedans in its home market.<<

But Ford's website says "Ford has quite an impressive line-up of new cars"!

"The Family of Ford Cars":

Mustang. That's it.


Bill Woodcock
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

...and calling them "new" is utter bullshit.

I've also found interesting that the two actual new cars that Ford is mostly hanging their hat on, the Explorer and the Capri, are basically just different sheetmetal on the same skateboard. Essentially identical specs. Just positioning them to appeal to slightly different demographics. I guess. And it's not really clear that either one is a better deal than the Mach-E.
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

...and calling them "new" is utter bullshit.

I've also found interesting that the two actual new cars that Ford is mostly hanging their hat on, the Explorer and the Capri, are basically just different sheetmetal on the same skateboard. Essentially...
Jordan Biserkov

@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen
It's also quite telling that when you click "Vehicles" -> "SUVs & Cars" -> "See the Ford Family of SUVs & Cars" it takes you to which has the header "Ford SUVs" on the top of the page, and no "Ford Cars" or equivalent header downward. Just SUVs. 🤦‍♂️


Could of sworn does used to have a range. Now it's a van, two massive trucks, an SUV & a sports car.
@RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen

William B Peckham

@wtsparrow @jbiserkov @RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen In the USA SUVs qualify as light trucks so they don't have to meet the same mileage and safety requirements as a family car. And yes, I do know that's totally ridiculous, but that's the way it is.


@wtsparrow @jbiserkov @RD4Anarchy @DoomsdaysCW @breadandcircuses @jensorensen i looked at the website. It's literally all SUVs, pick ups and a few vans sprinkled in between plus the GT. You literally cannot buy a small car from ford in the US

Loki Scarlet

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen Worst of it all is, it's another Great Moment in Unintended Consequences.
Regulations put the squeeze on small vehicles so now mfgs are making bobtail semis with pickup beds.
As the squeeze gets tighter, the vehicles get bigger. Starting to blur the line between a pickup truck and a rig that needs a commercial license.

Cluster Fcku

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen no taxes are going to stop this. If legislated in 2025, production might stop in 2030, and they'd be on the road another 2 or 3 decades (1 decade for american makes). What does work are city bans and elevated licensing for vehicles over 3000lbs or with fronts at organ height.


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen I get some looks in my 90's S-10, but nobody says anything disparaging. Probably because I use it for actual work.

Tyrion 🐧🏴‍☠️

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen

I'm a dwarf (not like the character in my profile picture), and these trucks terrify me.

At the same time I don't understand the appeal of having to climb these monstrosities. People look ridiculous doing so.

Russ Sharek

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen

I've walked on stilts with @naugeleh.

There's no way I would risk getting near a car on them, which I think says a lot.


@breadandcircuses Thanks!
I LOVE @jensorensen work! I support her on Patreon where she talks about what triggered the idea.
Example from this week: She found an article about a Rice University study "comparing self-consuming AI to mad cow disease, a topic practically begging for a cartoon. "

Editorial cartoons can condense an idea in 4 panels, but Jen shares the story behind the panels on her Patreon page. Membership $2, 3, 5 or 10 a month

@breadandcircuses Thanks!
I LOVE @jensorensen work! I support her on Patreon where she talks about what triggered the idea.
Example from this week: She found an article about a Rice University study "comparing self-consuming AI to mad cow disease, a topic practically begging for a cartoon. "

Fjord In Progress

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen @davep

There are now gadgets to hang from door latches and over tires so people can work on the engines of these trucks or in order to reach things put up on the roof.

Iain MacLean (he/him)

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen I hate them for all the usual pedestrian safety and gas guzzling reasons. But they also block visibility for other drivers at intersections, which must also increase the number of accidents.

Ralph058 (S/he/it) AF4EZ

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen
I think the ADAS systems need to be able to see the ground 12 feet ahead of the instrument. This means a good system does not work on an F-150.
It also means they won't be allowed on European roads, soon.

William B Peckham

@breadandcircuses @jensorensen I've owned and driven an SUV since 2005. The reason was because my wife started needing a wheelchair in 2004 and we needed a car into which it would fit along with our two kids. I don't need a monster truck, but... If you got rid of big vehicles, you would be impacting the disabled and light construction/service people.


@wbpeckham @breadandcircuses @jensorensen True. I remember the days before SUVs when people couldn’t transport anything in their cars.

Oh, wait! That’s that’s not true at all. There are actually plenty less dangerous cars with a large volume. 👍


@breadandcircuses The fact that *actual tanks* have shorter blind spots than these monstrosities is baffling.


@breadandcircuses @jensorensen I'd feel a little safer if I knew the person driving the hunk of steel got their licence in it
Or maybe, before they could drive it, had to get a specific certification to prove they could safely control the vehicle

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