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Christine Lemmer-Webber

We're hiring a Technical Administrator at @spritelyinst! This position is both technical and organizational... more or less you'd be helping the Executive Director (me) carry out the mission of the organization using FOSS tools.

You don't have to be a programmer to take this position, but you do have to be comfortable with using and *learning* FOSS tooling (such as Emacs and Org-Mode, which are used heavily in the organization).

Non-traditionally CS paths to using FOSS tech are welcome; particularly excellent for someone who is early in their career as a free and open source enthusiast, or a humanities graduate student who uses technical tooling to organize their work, or someone who has established experience in the organizational end of FOSS ecosystems. If you feel that assisting in the organization of a FOSS nonprofit while using or learning particular FOSS tools is appealing, apply!


@cwebber @spritelyinst Love the job requirement of using Emacs and org-mode


@cwebber @spritelyinst You going to >gulp< make them learn emacs? What if they are vi users? Religious discrimination!

Clifford Adams

I'm sure vi users will be allowed to continue their primitive superstitions under a vi mode in emacs. 🤪

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@nf3xn @spritelyinst They can use spacemacs or etc... vi users tend to feel at home these days from what I understand :)


@cwebber @spritelyinst amazing job listing, even ignoring the domain specifics. Brief, highly specific, but well specified enough any number of people could fit. Vs typical long, actually quite generic, but with a set of requirements maybe nobody meets.

Still there's an evil module in my mind that wants to erase the left half of U so that the graphic says "Work with JS" :)

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