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Les Orchard

Holy shit, this is like the House of Leaves of blog monetization blog posts

Les Orchard

Like, there's shit happening in this post and I have to reload it and scroll through again and inspect elements to work out exactly what's happening and have I suffered a stroke


@alexhammy @lmorchard This:

The funny thing is, all I know about it is the few references that made it into MyHouse.wad, and it still made sense.


@nex @alexhammy @lmorchard Had a thought: are there any audiobook versions of HoL that do it any justice?

Les Orchard

@WhiteCatTamer Huh, I've never heard of someone trying that.

I feel like you'd have to really put something strange together and try some odd tricks like jumping around in audio, maybe some weird alt-reality game style decoding challenges?

@nex @alexhammy


@lmorchard @WhiteCatTamer @nex @alexhammy It would be really challenging. For example, I have no idea how you would make the word “house” sound blue.

Les Orchard

@nex @alexhammy Yeah, very cool weird book with many narrative layers - like telling the story of telling the story of what happened to a character.

Also lots of neat tricks in the layout of the text in the book, sometimes turning sideways and in spirals. Lots of footnotes to other things in the book, along with fake & real pointers to articles beyond the book.

Mystery Babylon


Mutuals, I beg you, click on this link. My body fat melted like butter. I have Become.

Chrisshy Keygen

@erosdiscordia @lmorchard I am glad you got me to take a second look holy shit

Les Orchard

@rgegriff Yeah, I totally bounced off the first paragraph at first, until I was like hey wait what's up with that weird text? And then, against my better judgement, I clicked on some things @erosdiscordia

Chrisshy Keygen

@lmorchard @erosdiscordia I got a little ways into it and was like, huh; that's funny.

I didn't expect it to go so wonderfully off the rails

Mystery Babylon

@lmorchard @rgegriff

I was like, "Okay, this seems normal if somewhat ominously designed...scroll scroll...what the absolute fuck...I'm only halfway down the page...this is eldritch..."

The thing that really drove it home for me was scrolling back up, and actually looking at the "ads" that my eyes had naturally glossed over on the way down.

It's making me have fridge-horror about what I might actually have not-seen on other internet pages.

Les Orchard

@erosdiscordia that's a reasonable fear, especially after seeing the whole page @rgegriff


@erosdiscordia Every once in a while I see something and I can tell I will have to spend a while to answer... how.

rellik moo

I did not (knowingly) click anything but "Ask me later" (which bought me at most a few seconds without that popup)

Should I click?

@slothrop @erosdiscordia @rgegriff

Random Geek

@idlestate @lmorchard @slothrop @erosdiscordia @rgegriff I clicked everything.

Such is my nature.

I cannot recommend, but I would not discourage. Nothing untoward has happened as of yet.


@lmorchard Is that Howard Keel? 🤣 Definitely likely seen in the wild ….


@lmorchard i bottled out after the lorum ipsum text went weird.


@lmorchard some nice technical stuff there 🙂 I particularly like the spiral galaxy of text near end and the clever font manipulation of the loreum ipsum section.



It's a blog post done with an indie artist flare.

Worth experiencing, at least it was on my phone. I don't know what it's like on PC.


@lmorchard My eyes literally hurt after reading that.

(Though to be fair, that's mostly the sinus pressure from a week's worth of heat wave and wildfire smoke.)

Dave Peck

@tomhazledine it’s brilliant as it disintegrates into tentacled madness


@lmorchard this is wild, but would be cooler if the author didn't resort to using ai generated sludge


@cmdr_nova I did use Midjourney for some of the earlier materials (timberquest, the boats, that weird friendship animal) and am admittedly a little ashamed of it, but if you're referring to any of the text I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW all of that is artisanal sludge carefully hand-crafted with my weird computer hands!

Buffy Leigh (she/they)

@lmorchard Well that description got me to click on it! 🤓 Brilliant!!!

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