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Simon Willison

I'm interviewed in the latest episode of the Software Misadventures podcast. It was a *really fun* conversation - we talked about my past career highlights, my experiences as an independent open source developer, my various processes for working in public, blogging and releasing code and (of course) a whole bunch about my explorations of LLMs


@simon I'm (eventually) making a personal website by hand-coding HTML and CSS. I'm quite looking forward to having a space on the internet that is entirely mine.

Shaun McDonald

@simon one of the downsides of having young kids is getting hardly any home time in front of the computer. What there is, is usually catching up on personal emails or finances. Part of the reason my blog is so empty.

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@simon "you get to learn SEO" is not a positive lmao

(I say this as someone who has learned more SEO than the average person)


@simon Of course, real nerds build their decentralized network first, before writing their blog post software.

Oups - forgot to write the blog post now... But at least I have a blackboard and a web-proxy :)

Upcoming: blog post for fledger. ETA: 2 years...

#nerd #Decentralized #Fledger

Luis Villa

@simon that part about language as filter is so accurate, and it is so deeply engrained. Hard to see how we aren’t totally fucked by it for at least a generation or two before kids internalize that flawless grammar means little.

Matt Hayes

@simon - Great podcast episode with useful real-world advice on LLMs, programming techniques and blogging! It has inspired me to experiment more with AI and blog about it (fighting my natural AI cynicism)

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