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Crazy Pony

@itchi5 Unfortunately still not

Almost universally, the kind of mask makers and other kinky suits and accesoires that i would commission right out this minute, have either left the fediverse or never wanted to be here

So no business because noone to give my money

Itchi5 illustrations


I was more referring to graphical artists, but give it some patience and for sure they'll get back again.



oh, I only saw this clarification after answering "yes".
I think I only baught an ebook so far.


Itchi5 illustrations

@crazy_pony I think it was my fault for not clarifying. But in the end it's ok since most people have their own understanding of what an artist is.

So if you consider somebody an artiust and you purchased form it then just say yes. :)

Crazy Pony

@itchi5 lets say an artist is a person creating artwork :)


@crazy_pony @itchi5 If you're looking for collars and cuffs, I know @CairoSteele makes some nice stuff. Not sure who to point you at for masks and the like though.

Crazy Pony

Thanks, i am already watching them for future plans like an decorated bridle :) but currently my priorites would be on masks and other shiny "fur"suit parts


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