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Kuba Orlik

Soooooo Bolt pissed me off. They claim that they support requesting rides without an app. They provide many good reasons why and when such an option is not only convenient, but necessary:


Screenshot of a Bolt Blog post linked above. The heading says "How to request a Bolt ride without downloading the app"
Next screenshot of the article. Highlighted are headings saying "When you're running out of storage space", "If you're using an older or entry-level device"
Another screenshot. Highlighted headings say "When you have a poor internet connection", "If you're running low on data", and "If you'd prefer to order a ride from a desktop or tablet"
Kuba Orlik

So far, so good! I always refuse to use services that only work with an app, so this looked promising. One omission from the list of reasons was "Not wanting to contribute to strenghtening Apple and Google duopoly", but ok.

I go to the web app, enter my phone number, enter the SMS code and I'm immediately greeted with this beauty:


An error popup saying "This pickup location is not supported by Bolt web app. Please download Bolt app and try to request a ride there", and two buttons "Get Bolt app" and "Back"
Kuba Orlik

I needed some way to get to the Airport in Riga. Everyone recommended Bolt and shared horror stories of "traditional taxis".

Fortunately I expected that this web interface business would be too good to be true, so I checked it the night before the flight.

I checked various different pickup locations around the city. None worked. I tried different countries. Poland: nope. Norway: nope. But.... it works in Nigeria?

In fact, I can order a ride without any issues


A screenshot of the web interface. The pickup location pin is located somewhere in Nigeria. The nearest bolt car is shown on the map.
Kuba Orlik

Sooo, this got me thinking. Can I trick it into submission and let me order through the web interface? Short answer: yes!

I messed around with the Network Inspector and tried making various changes in the HTTP requests being made to the API by the web interface. After 10 minutes I found out that if you skip a certain query parameter for one of the crucial endpoints, but keep other ones unchanged, the API ignores this artificial geo-block.


Screenshot of Firefox desktop interface with network inspector open for the bolt web interface. Bolt interface shows the error message about the pickup location not being supported in the web app, and network inspector shows the "edit and resend" GUI for one particular request
Kuba Orlik

(I'm not going to share the particular details on which request and which query parameter that is)

So, after some changes, this is what I see on the desktop web. I can actually order a ride!


Screenshot of desktop firefox showing the bolt web interface and network inspector. Now instead of the error message there's a clickable "Set pickup location" button
A screenshot of what happens if I press the "set pickup location" from the previous screen. Various options for economy/comfort appear and a green "request bolt" button is visible and clickable
Kuba Orlik

I quickly created a CleanLinks config that did this automatically, and now I can order rides without an app, right from my laptop. So basically I made it easier for me to give Bolt money. You're welcome, Bolt!

Now, how to make it work on mobile? Fortunately, Firefox Nightly on Android allows you to install any addon, so I added CleanLinks and copied the configuration. And voilà! I can order rides from my phone, without an annoying app!


Screenshot of mobile Firefox running the web interface for Bolt in the same location in Riga. the "Set pickup location" button is active
Screenshot of mobile firefox running the web interface. I clicked the set pickup location button. Now I can request bolt to this location.
Kuba Orlik

In fact, I the bolt came, I arrived at the airport, paid, and made it in time.

Now. Why create this artificial barrier for your users, Bolt? The usual excuse of "whaaaaa, creating a web app is additional effort and we can't afford it" doesn't apply here. You already HAVE a nice, fast, functional web app. why geo-fence it?


Kuba Orlik

The answer is: because we, the users, are compliant with such abuse of monopoly.

This is a reminder to NEVER trust big companies that there's any good reason to not have a web app unless it's clearly not technically possible (which is extremely rare anyway imho).

I invite you to boycott any company that forces (or coerces) you to install an app. We deserve choice, we deserve control. We deserve better. Demand it!



@kuba personal choice doesn't work on a real world scale, because 95+% of users aren't conscious of many things. You know a lot about tech, so you can recognise this artificial barrier, most people won't. We need laws that require these things, at the very least. Unless we want to overthrow capitalism 😊😇

Kuba Orlik

@Kavelach yes to that! And first step to having laws passed is raising awareness, so this is exactly what I'm doing

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