@rizzi unsure if i like the changes to the read status: it was basically my one sure-fire way to say "yeah, i have acknowledged this item in the feed"

scroll position doesnt seem to work on Mac, which already makes me feel this feature is unreliable

its also way too easy to "mess it up", and paralyses glancing, since you cannot "forget the scroll position" if you were at some point in the list

even a "read cursor", a line between the (past) read and (future) unread posts, would be very helpful for this, since then i could catch up to the feed and throw stuff into Later when i want to look at it later, but then i'll have read it "already"

plus, this'll only scale with N per feed, and make it easily syncable, instead of scaling per amount of posts that the app has accumulated

please reconsider adding this, since else i don't think i could switch over. i like the app a lot, the vibes and the feeling, but this is a core missing feature for an RSS reader for me