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Silvio Rizzi

A note to Reeder Classic users:
For this release, I’ve tried to cover any questions you might have about the new Reeder and Reeder Classic in the FAQ:

There's no pressure to upgrade. As mentioned before, both apps will coexist. The new Reeder is free to download, so feel free to give it a try.

Frederic Jacobs

@rizzi Congrats on shipping! Will there be an option to use Feedbin with the new one?

Pelle Wessman

@fj @rizzi +1 on this, I will not be adding all my feeds to a new app

(Though I may opt to subscribe to some OPML files if that was possible:

Colin Pekruhn

@fj No - @rizzi specifically told beta testers that this app has a different vision than Classic and won’t integrate with services like Feedbin.

Stelian Iancu

@cpekruhn @fj @rizzi this makes it then a no-go for me unfortunately. I will keep using Reeder Classic and when that won’t work anymore I will switch to another RSS app that supports Feedbin.

Colin Pekruhn

@panzerboy @fj @rizzi I was initially skeptical, as a Feedbin user myself, but I've come to really like the new app's approach. I actually feel less stress checking my feeds and have come to enjoy the timeline approach. But definitely not for everyone, and its not meant to be.

Frederic Jacobs

@cpekruhn I also catchup on my RSS feeds from Linux machines so will stick to Feedbin and Reeder classic for now


@rizzi I love the new app but I also like the Reeder Classic. I have one question, will Reeder Classic become subscription based too?

Pelle Wessman

@pikuboy @rizzi It’s answered in the FAQ: No, it will stay a one time purchase


@voxpelli oh I feel stupid, thank you, i didn’t read the first answer completely

Sebastian :coffefied:

@rizzi Subscribed to support, but I don’t think that’s gonna be RSS Reeder replacement for me for now.

Are there any plans to bring some Reeder Classic features for Feeds in the new app? Like up/down navigation read/unread, etc?

Bernd Folberth

@rizzi Congrats. What's the best way to report bugs?

David Friedman

@rizzi Congratulations! Years ago, I had to reluctantly stop using Reeder because it had a weird issue when scrolling with my touch Wacom that made it unusable — scrolling would stop, jump, stutter, etc. I'm glad to say that the new Reeder scrolls just fine with my Wacom. But I still miss the old one, which continues to have the strange scrolling problem. Any chance that's something repairable?

Daniel Sokolovskiy

@rizzi Congrats on the launch from a long-time Reeder user!

Here are a couple of things that would make me instantly switch and subscribe:

1. Add a 'Read' tab in Home for articles only (similarly to 'Video' and 'Audio' tabs)
2. Exclude Shorts from the YouTube feeds (I only watch long-form videos);
3. Add playback speed control for YouTube videos
4. Add Instagram and Facebook Page feeds (though completely understand if it's not possible)

Any chance to see some of that in the near future?

@rizzi Congrats on the launch from a long-time Reeder user!

Here are a couple of things that would make me instantly switch and subscribe:

1. Add a 'Read' tab in Home for articles only (similarly to 'Video' and 'Audio' tabs)
2. Exclude Shorts from the YouTube feeds (I only watch long-form videos);
3. Add playback speed control for YouTube videos
4. Add Instagram and Facebook Page feeds (though completely understand if it's not possible)

Jacob Asker

@dsokolovskiy @rizzi +1 would love to see youtube shorts being excluded from the timeline. The main reason for why I use Feedbin with Reeder classic to take advantage of its filters feature.

Eric Lindvall

@rizzi is the scroll position inside a post saved any synced? That’s been my biggest pain with trying to read long form content.


@rizzi exciting and happy to subscribe! Two questions based on comparing my first experience to the previous one:
* Will there be a way to swipe left within an article to open the in-app browser, as in Reeder classic?
* What about swiping up and down to jump across content?
* Are there any plans for a fully black background?
I’ve supported Reeder for years and it’s fun to try new ways to consume content!

Daron Brewood 🇬🇧

@rizzi ref the lack of Feedly support I guess importing feeds from Feedly or from Reeder Classic would work.


@tekguru @rizzi You can export an OPML file from Reeder classic and import it in the new Reeder.

Daron Brewood 🇬🇧

@multiuser @rizzi it did indeed work. All my feeds are great and seem quite workable.
The issue for me I guess is if I look to bring in my Mastodon account as in the new Reeder I don’t have any access to notifications etc.

Christian del Valle

@rizzi Congrats! Please add the “unread” bubble to the app and to each source, otherwise I need to review each one manually. Thanks!


@rizzi Congrats on the launch! The new app is just missing too much for me to switch (like organisation and layout options, or Feedbin’s muted phrases and email newsletter feeds). I look forward to future Reeder Classic features, and I’d definitely be willing to pay a subscription to help fund more frequent updates.

Oscar Bazaldua

@rizzi one slight suggestion for migrating users: It would be great to have an easier path to move RSS subscriptions to the new app (aside from OPML that is)

Mel Tajon

@rizzi Thank you for Reeder Classic over all these years and for committing to maintain it! I can actually see myself using both Classic and the new Reeder for different reasons (once you add Folders support).

Ondřej Kozák

@rizzi sorry but I can’t use it without the OPML subscription. That’s kinda neglecting free aspect.


@rizzi I subscribed to support but I don’t see any reason why I would go from classic to this version. I don’t see any benefits to switching. What am I missing?

Jeff Clatworthy

@rizzi As an avid user of your software, I’m MORE than happy to support your work by buying the new version too (with yearly subscription), even if I keep using the the older version 🙂👍🏼
I adore Mela too.

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