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Darius Kazemi

I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again: if you want some wholesome / nostalgic internet times, check out Wiby, the "Search Engine for the Classic Web". It's based on (moderated) user submissions of old school websites. Use #WibyFinds to post the good stuff you come across!!!

I just found Zack's Snake Page, which is actually just a giant image with hot zones you can click to go to other images???

Screenshot of a web page with clip art and a photo of a 14 year old boy smiling like in a school yearbook picture. It's title Zack's Snake Page and there is a counter indicating 69494 views. Text follows:

"This is me, Zack, posing for the camera. I am a 14 year old boy. This is a page about my snakes. I have 2 Brazilian Rainbow Boas, 4 Corn Snakes, and a Texas Rat snake. I am breeding corns and will breed the brbs when they are old enough. I am planning on getting more snakes as I get older. Wonder what I'll do in college?

I got my first snake when I was 6. My dad caught it in our backyard and my mom let me keep it. She thought that me wanting reptiles was just a passing phase, boy was she wrong. I named him Zake. He was just a baby, about the size like going to: of a pencil. Zake was some type of rat snake. After I had [cut off]"
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Darius Kazemi

Also Zack's email address just caused me to remember the old ISP called Road Runner, wow, blast from the past


@darius big ol' imagemaps. A few classes of my IT A-level qualification was dedicated to making these in Macromedia Fireworks.

doctor garbage expert

@darius nothing i miss more than Picture Pages on websites

which is just an unsorted grid of "cool pictures that i like"

Rain 🚱

@darius Zack should learn about accessibility

alex ⟡*·_ ☭

@darius the first website i ever made was like this! photoshop cs2 had a way (possibly linked to another adobe program) to export a site like that

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