George argued that in almost all circumstances, a growing population meant there was *more* wealth available per person, not less.
The cause of poverty wasn't a lack of wealth, it was how that wealth was distributed.
In particular, anyone who is able to acquire and rent out *land* is going to gain wealth while producing *nothing* in return. Land speculators are even worse; they prevent the creation of wealth by sitting on land could be used for production.
George suggests the solution to this is a Land Value Tax (LVT). He points out at length it should only be on the land itself, and *never* the improvements on such land.
A Land Value Tax penalises speculation. It encourages the land to be used as productively and improved as much as possible. It lowers land prices considerably, meaning lower rents and more affordable housing. And it's not a tax one can avoid. You can't hide land.
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