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Markus Werle

@Gargron I am not sure if I want the Fediverse to grow. I never felt welcome. The cancel culture is worse than on Twitter before Elon, and the post deletion mechanisms are not compatible with a #constitutional #democracy. I wish social media not to fail, but Mastodon has a long way to go before it contributes to a solution for our current problems.

Markus Werle

@jerry @Gargron the typical question asked to refugees coming from rogue states.

Markus Werle

@jerry @Gargron and here is the typical response from this refugee: I had hopes for a safe space. I am disillusioned by now.

Stefan Monnier

@jerry @markuswerle @Gargron One of the things I'd like is a way to *dis*like a toot (a.k.a *un*favourite).
I'd have used that for example on the toot to which I'm replying.

Markus Werle

@leberschnitzel Six people harassing you for not putting a text description under every picture you post. A post deleted based on arbitrary rules that go beyond what is allowed according to the law.


@markuswerle what laws are there for post deletion / moderation?


@markuswerle ah you mean things that "have to be" deleted, not things that "can't be" deleted.

Markus Werle

@leberschnitzel the basic human right of freedom of expression limits the other direction.


@markuswerle that only limits what governments are allowed to delete, not what private entities are allowed to delete. Same reason that every club can kick you out with no reason given at all.
But that's the nice thing of the fediverse, if you don't like the rules the instance you post on has, you can switch instances or just make your own.

Markus Werle

@leberschnitzel that is the standard response and it is wrong on so many levels I may fail to address them all.

The Fediverse cannot have it both sides. If you claim private ownership as reason for the right to make up your own rules, then there is no difference to Elon‘s way in handling X. The Fediverse then becomes what it fights against.

A central instance for delisting servers is something that has to adhere to international legal norms. Otherwise we are back to square one.

Markus Werle

@leberschnitzel Comparing a Fediverse instance to a club disregards relevant aspects of social media.

Claiming that everyone can create their own instance is wrong. I won’t go into details here. More importantly it doesn’t solve the problem of getting cancelled and disconnected from people on other instances. All it needs are two people who decide to collaborate in the exclusion process.

leberschnitzel replied to Markus

@markuswerle let's go at it the other way than: What do you want social media to look like?

JimmyChezPants replied to leberschnitzel

@leberschnitzel @markuswerle

This post by @Gargron is like a cross section of the current, Mastodon-dominated fediverse and its discontents.

Quite useful, in the final analysis, cause this guy is pretty amazing with the comparing himself to a refugee while I'm pretty damn sure he's never spoken to a refugee that wasn't serving him food.

Likewise learning that they are aware of the problems, but are attempting to use a hackneyed UX approach to make it go away, a good bellwether of things.

Markus Werle replied to Markus

@leberschnitzel side comment: Twitter‘s moderation team (before Elon) was far from perfect, but their solution approach was way better than what the Fediverse is trying to do. I recommend reading interviews with Yoel Roth.


@markuswerle @Gargron I’ve run into requests to block my posts just because the user did not like what I said. I much prefer the Nostr free flow of posts and if people don’t have a thick skin, they probably shouldn’t be on the platform or maybe other non-centrally managed blocking mechanisms can be created over here. Users can subscribe to specific relays for example. Banning on Mastodon is far more arbitrary than Reddit.

Markus Werle

@vamp07 @Gargron the downside of your approach is that it does not solve the harassment and bot problem. I fully understand why the Fediverse takes a certain road. Unfortunately, this has collateral damage and I simply request acknowledgement of this, such that we can discuss improvements.


@markuswerle @Gargron harassment is not that hard to solve. The offended party can simply block the offending user or users.

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