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Steve Paradis

@Gurre @SmudgeTheInsultCat Placental mammals appeared after the dinosaurs and there are still egg-laying mammals like the platypus.

Gurre Vildskägg

@SteveSilent @SmudgeTheInsultCat

indeed. But that graph only claimed "eggs already existed here", which isn't the same as "eggs started here".
Many sharks lay eggs too, and including all branches back to there would, while fun, both be space consuming and not needed to make the central point.

Gurre Vildskägg

@SteveSilent @SmudgeTheInsultCat
Had to look it up: both the platypus and the most common echidna are not threatened. Makes me happy! Felt like the kind of animals that the modern world would have gone ooops and they'd be gone forever.

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