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João S. O. Bueno

@simon maybe. But maybe there are levels of specialization particular to each language that A.I. simply can't dewelve into. I am such an specialist for Python and I can't imagine me trusting LLM to do some of the more subtle things. Adding extra methods to a namedtuple? Show me AI code -deciding- to do that instead of just using a dataclass (which would imply extra conversion steps I don't want)

Simon Willison

@gwidion that’s exactly how I work with LLMs - a lot of my time is spent saying things like “rewrite that to use a namedtuple, not a dataclass”

Kind of like working with an infinitely patient intern who never gets frustrated at constant demands for tweaks and changes

João S. O. Bueno

@simon yes - but if you put me to create .net code using the LLM, I won't know enough of C#, not by 1/10th, to make requests equivalent to "use a named tuple here".

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