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Simon Willison

@garyfleming @fatrat I think the most important skill in AI-assisted programming is code review and QA: being able to take code and actively test it to confirm that it does what it’s supposed to, including exercising weird edge-cases

It’s a difficult thing to get good at!

Gary Fleming

@simon agreed, and to do that accurately, repeatably, and in a way that is automatable (e.g. unit tests) still requires knowledge of the language.

That kind of testing and review focuses on known-knowns (“this does what I expected it to do”) but largely ignores known-unknowns (“this does things I didn’t expect it to”) and unknown-unknown (“this does things I didn’t expect and I can’t see”). Those require language and tooling knowledge AFAICT.

Ben Evans

@simon @garyfleming @fatrat I completely agree - and those are skills which only come with time and experience.

That is why I remain convinced that there is going to be good money to be made in 3-4 years time if LLM-assisted coding becomes widespread - in sorting out the horrible messes that companies have got themselves into by using junior / mid-level devs who have only ever known LLM-assistent development.

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