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Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe

@abcdw To my mind, cookbook documents promote “copy & paste disease”: programmers see a snippet or idiom and use it without thinking and without knowing the whole story. And style guides are simply officially-blessed—and therefore more dangerous—cookbooks.

A more useful project might be a series of (meta)libraries that collects related libraries into one easy-to-install, well-documented package. This way, someone who wants to write a small network-oriented GUI program in #Guile could simply grab (easy-networking) and (gui kde), say, and skip digging through the huge pile of half-documented alternatives.

This hints at the fundamental problem: there are not enough polished, tested, and well-documented #Scheme libraries. A cookbook of simple examples of using LIBRARY is little help if LIBRARY is otherwise undocumented, out of date, or simply broken. It’s the basic problem that needs fixing. But this, I fear, is a much bigger project.

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Andrew Tropin

@zipheir Agree, having #lang goodguile or prelude module, which export s a nice set of APIs similiar to clojure.core would be wonderful. However, there is gap in ecosystem to make this possible right now.

Probably, we need to move in both directions at the same time: building a "style guide" and implementing corresponding libraries to fullfil the gaps in style guide.

cc: @baleine

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