SO excited to announce that the #32bitcafe is launching our monthly newsletter, 32-BIT CAFE BYTES!

you can expect:

* 32-Bit Cafe community updates, including any announcements and launches
* Discourse-specific updates
* most popular forum threads of the month
* discussion questions of the week
* calls for volunteers for projects
* upcoming events
* blog posts, either written by 32-Bit Cafe members or outside the community, that talk about the personal web and subjects related to our community mission
* featuring websites of our members

i'm so excited about this, so forgive my plugging! :) keep up with what we're doing in the cafe to help spread the good word of #webdev as a hobby, get more folks building their own #website, and bringing creativity and self-expression back to our web use again!

you'll have our inaugural newsletter in your inbox this weekend if you subscribe by august 31st! 👀

#HTML #css #code #coding #neocities #smallweb #personalweb #indieweb #smolweb #internet #webdesign