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Ben Leggett


They're *really, really* good at C. Built their entire careers around it, most likely.

The idea that someone could come along and negate that does terrify them, and should! I can't blame them for that, it's a terribly human reaction.

argv minus one


Is it? I would think they'd find it relieving that they can now write code without worrying about all the things C makes you worry about.

Now, if programmers in general were obsolete, that would be another story. 😬 That's what “AI” is trying to do, but so far, it's failing miserably.

Gina Peter Banyard

@argv_minus_one @dadregga I don't think that's how they see it.
They see it like their whole career has been invalidated, even if that is not the case, as Rust did not exist at the beginning of their career.

This ego and pride also affects academia and PhD applications being rejected by a panel of expert where the subject of the PhD would "invalidate" all their prior research (and I am not talking about CompSci or Maths here)

Ben Leggett



Exactly. And it will happen to you! And me! The trick is being able to understand your own response, when it *does * happen to you, for what it is.

Gina Peter Banyard

@dadregga @argv_minus_one Honestly, at this point in time, my whole job is to invalidate prior decisions PHP has done, and I am dealing with those emotions constantly.
There even are some PHP RFCs that I voted in favour that not even 3 years later I wonder if it wasn't a mistake and something people after me will need to "clean-up".

We make bad decisions all the time, it doesn't mean that everything we have done was pointless or not sensible at the time.

@dadregga @argv_minus_one Honestly, at this point in time, my whole job is to invalidate prior decisions PHP has done, and I am dealing with those emotions constantly.
There even are some PHP RFCs that I voted in favour that not even 3 years later I wonder if it wasn't a mistake and something people after me will need to "clean-up".

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