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Simon Willison

A few years ago I put a bunch of work into figuring out the SameSite cookie attribute because the documentation for how that actually worked was so thin on the ground


@simon I was literally sweating these details yesterday when Hono, a lightweight JS framework, wouldn't write signed cookies and I though it might be the sameSite.

Bill Seitz

@simon I think the CORS doc you linked to recently also included info on cookies

Evil Jim O’Donnell

@simon thanks for this. I was actually wondering, today, whether I’m using SameSite correctly in a PR.

Simon Willison

I just read the FAQ for Firefox "Total Cookie Protection" and I am sadly no closer to understanding what impact Total Cookie Protection has on how I should build web applications - I'm particularly interested in understanding how it impacts things like OAuth SSO

Russ Garrett

@simon OAuth doesn't use third-party cookies so I believe it's all good. The problem is with SSO systems which use third-party cookies to transparently log you in across several domains.

Simon Willison

@russss aaah gotcha - that’s the thing that caused the Chrome team to implement their weird 2-minute twist


@simon total cookie protection makes me think about the wax paper between layers of Xmas cookie in the cookie tin

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