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Alberto de Murga

@hongminhee Those are the same people who then believe that every person has a single name and surname of 4 to 10 letters, and the address has a state 🙄

洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)

@threkk Every East Asian sighs every time they see the first/last name fields.

Alberto de Murga

@hongminhee Same for Spanish people, we got two surnames xD

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle

@threkk @hongminhee here in Brazil is a different flavor of weird, because our main surname is the last one, so we end up putting our first surname with the given name(s)

Janne Moren

@hongminhee @threkk
And as a non-native I sigh each time I see a japanese site with only first and family name, and nowhere to put my middle name...

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