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Ilya Zverev

@ian @watmildon

Also it looks like point queries don't display anything (e.g. highway=bus_stop).


@zverik @ian i can take a look in the morning. Probably just missing the right goo between the tile file and maplibre. Points work on the other sites (WAMap/UTMap) using this frontend.

Ilya Zverev

@watmildon Oh right, it's night for you, sorry! Definitely no hurry :)

On UTMap, no bus stops as well:

UTMap screenshot, with UI resembling There's a map with standard osm-carto tiles with blue dots for bus stops. In the "filter" field, there is "highway=bus_stop". Nothing is overlaid on the map.

@zverik hmmm. UTMap works for me. I also see, for example, stops in Arizona on WorldMap.

1. Navigate to a high zoom
2. Type highway=bus_stop in the text box
3. hit the filter button (or enter)


@zverik huh. I will install a firefox and check it out. What version are you on?


@zverik now we're in real trouble as this also works on my machine. ugh. sometimes computers really are the worst

Ilya Zverev

@watmildon oh no

okay maybe there's some addon in my browser messing with map styling, idk

I'll try debugging this after sotm

Ian Dees

@zverik @watmildon i'm wondering if there's something going on with tile edges or buffering. I noticed that some ways that I expect to be in there aren't included. Maybe that's affecting nodes, too.

When I get a working output from Planetiler I'll see if it still happens

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