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Janne Moren

In my brief exploration of it (and based on others experience) it seems to be a direct replacement of Stack Overflow.

That is, if you use reasonably mainstream technology, and you want help in solving a common problem or implementing a standard solution, perhaps with a small twist, then it's helpful and generally correct.

But as you veer off the mainstream path, the suggestions rapidly become misleading and wrong, and it's faster figuring it out for yourself.

Simon Willison

@jannem I’ve not been finding that myself - sure, it’s best at Python and JavaScript and SQL but I’ve been getting great results for languages I don’t know well (or at all) like Go and AppleScript

You gotta get good at testing what it proxies, but that’s a similar skill to code reviewing code by other people

Janne Moren

I was trying to get help on Chapel, but that failed pretty badly.

And if I try with Gdscript the models will tend to give me Python code instead. It looks quite similar, and with orders of magnitude more training examples that's perhaps not unexpected.

Oh, and I did try getting help on writing lock-free parallel code in Julia but that failure may honestly be a Julia problem more than the models'.

Simon Willison

@jannem hah, yeah your choice of programming languages is a whole lot less mainstream than mine!

Janne Moren

Which is not a problem, to be clear. Handling big languages with common problems is the high impact case.

Also, I just asked Gemini for a parallel prefix-sum in Chapel and it gave me a credible-looking piece of code. Now, prefix-sum is Baby's First Parallel Algorithm, and there's bound to be Chapel examples out there to draw from, but that's still a lot better than what I got with an earlier model.

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