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I finally followed my #Gitea account from Mastodon!!!


Now I have to figure out how to accept the follow request... (also sorry for not adding image descriptions, I'm too excited right now!)

Seachaint :verified:

@ta180m Image description: a screen showing that a follow has been done successfully on a hosted git account.

@boilingsteam In theory, yes, but I haven't written the code yet that actually sends out a ForgeFed Activity after each user action.

Boiling Steam

@ta180m so thats not something thats baked in gitea for now in terms of features?

@boilingsteam Yeah, federation features will (most likely) be released in Gitea 1.18 in October. All of this code is still highly experimental and can be found at

@drwho Federation features will most likely be released in Gitea 1.18, so you only have to wait until October...

You *could* try the code ( now, but it's all highly experimental and might cause damage to your Gitea database, so I wouldn't recommend it.

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