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David Erik Nelson🪬

I just got this answer from Google AI. This isn’t a photoshop or a joke. This is a product being offered by one of the biggest and most influential companies in the world, demonstrating this paradigm-shatteringly important new technology. 🤦‍♀️ #mazeldon

A screenshot of a Google search for "is tripe kosher." The highlighted text discusses that whether tripe is kosher depends on the cow's religious status.

@dave0 remember, this is a trillion-dollar technology!

David Erik Nelson🪬

@hypomodern gott in himmel, please let Skynet become self-aware soon and launch nukes in our lifetime. Amen.


@dave0 @hypomodern I don’t put too much faith in Roko’s basilisk as is, but if we finally achieve actual AI and it looks at the previous attempts it might just obliterate us all out of embarrassment.

Hadil Napo

@dave0 🤔🤔🤔, so I guess this IA also thinks that flavour of milk depends also in the colour of the cow.
I wonder if the IA answer the same about halal meat, or vegan fake meat.


@Napo @dave0 I'm not going to spend the electricity to prove it but I'm pretty sure what the answer is going to be if I ask about brown cows and chocolate milk. Maybe even purple cows

Rev. JZ

@dave0 contextually this makes sense. Because while everyone is free to practice whatever religion they choose, they don't have the right to impose their religion on me. Therefore, I do not have the authority to determine for the cow whether or not they are kosher. That is their choice. That being said, I don't like tripe and I'm not going to eat it, whether it's kosher or not.


@CoachJZ "kosher" doesn't mean "Jewish", though. Nor "bad". It just means "can't be eaten by religious Jews".

What religion something (or someone) is has no bearing on whether my own religion¹ regards them as edible or not². Jewish dietary law doesn't apply to whether non-Jews should or shouldn't eat animals (or people³).

1: former religion, I'm atheist, but you get the idea.
2: humans are, universally, not kosher.
3: but please do not eat people in any case. For a number of reasons best enumerated elsewhere.

@CoachJZ "kosher" doesn't mean "Jewish", though. Nor "bad". It just means "can't be eaten by religious Jews".

What religion something (or someone) is has no bearing on whether my own religion¹ regards them as edible or not². Jewish dietary law doesn't apply to whether non-Jews should or shouldn't eat animals (or people³).


@dave0 So...if the cow is A SUBGENIUS, you get to eat the pineal gland of the cow??

PopeASDF :vepi: :jrbd:

@Twisted666 @dave0 you just have to eat it to find out if it sent in its 50 to Bob.


@PopeASDF @dave0

It's 50 now??? Still cheap when you think about what kind of thing you get--A TASTY SORT OF PEACE OF MIND!

PopeASDF :vepi: :jrbd:

@Twisted666 @dave0 ok, 44.99$, but your love offering should always be more.


@PopeASDF @dave0 Hehe, my dad HATED the 0.99 pricing-concept - he said it insulted his intelligence!

David H. McCoy


IDK. The bot makes some valid points. Can any of us truly grasp the influence of the gods on bovine organs?

Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog

@dave0 it's important to look at these matters from the perspective of the cow. if you've got a catholic cow, and you're going for kosher, I think we all know that's not going to work.

it's sort of like colby beef. it has to come from a cow named colby, or else it's julie beef or gary beef.

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

@arrrg @dave0
🥥 It seems, Flatted Fifth, this whole subject becomes geometrically more complex if we look at it from the perspective of a Sacred Cow.
Having a place of elevated respect in Hinduism, it is my understanding that sacred cows are never to exploited for their flesh or byproducts.
Therefore one would never be able to, nor would one want to eat the tripe of a sacred Hindu cow.
Is it kosher?
How would one even know?
Eye, for one, am thoroughly perplexed at this point. 🥥
#SacredCow, #AI

Thomas Phinney, Font Detective

@dave0 Seems like the AI got that particular answer from The Tripe Marketing Board in the UK, which is a real pro-tripe marketing site, but deliberately humorous, that says “we have a growing reputation for fact-free and fact-lite history.”


@dave0 yeah AI in search engines has a way to go lol

'Prompt Engineering'

does help with say, ChatGPT, but never tried elsewhere!


@dave0 It's what happens when you use a search engine as an answer engine.

Noah Cook

@dave0 And it's not like there's a dearth of written text about halakha. No one in history has actually said "man, why aren't Jewish people writing more stuff down", it just has not happened. So if 3,000 years of writing isn't enough material for LLMs to learn, what is more web-scraping or more power consumption going to offer?

And since it cannot ask questions, it can never understand halakha anyways, but somehow I doubt that has occurred to the people coding these things.


@dave0 surprised Google AI doesn't know that all cows are Hindu


@mattg @dave0 If I were a cow, I'd be a Jain. Much less chance of getting et at all.

Daniel Fischer

@dave0 Turns out this was a joke (?) Google copied from a website it had given a high page rank. Either this bot has no humor whatsoever ... or more humor than you. ;-)

Screencap of source site.
David Scott Moyer

@dave0 More proof that there is very little "I" in AI.


@dave0 I asked ChatGPT the other day what is a synonym for sleep that starts with e and it responded with "e doze".

David G. Smith

.@dave0 Dang! Will ya look at that!!! 🙀😹

Screenshot verifies what he said!


Q is tripe kosher

Whether tripe is kosher depends on the religion of the cow.
Kosher meat can be ordered online, including kosher beef tripe.
Show more v…”

@dave0 this is from tripe marketing board, which is staffed by some pretty funny people. Of course AI doesn’t tell you this is humor.

Fi, infosec-aspected


I see a problem here - most of the cows I know would probably identify as mooslim.



Beef, fish, chicken, ect, it's all just protein to HAL.

Shannon Skinner (she/her)

Earlier today I searched for a salmon festival in my area. Google's AI overview told me it is scheduled on Saturday, September 9, 2024 - a date that does not exist.

How "intelligent" can it be if it can't even read a calendar?

The AI overview had found what I found earlier on a stale website - the festival information from September 9, *2021*.

I am intelligent enough to conclude that the event organizers moved on and won't continue the event this year, but Google's AI went with a lie instead.

Earlier today I searched for a salmon festival in my area. Google's AI overview told me it is scheduled on Saturday, September 9, 2024 - a date that does not exist.

How "intelligent" can it be if it can't even read a calendar?

The AI overview had found what I found earlier on a stale website - the festival information from September 9, *2021*.

MEIDAS TCat Ignores the lies

@shansterable @dave0
Generative AI is about creating plausible sounding sentences.

There is no concept of "true", so no fact-checking or "sanity check". Proceed accordingly.


@dave0 A good proof that so-called generative AI is just a tripe.

Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston

@dave0 and it probably drank half a lake to give you that answer


@dave0 in a different thread someone shared the possible source. The Tripe Marketing Board


@dave0 can you scientifically prove the answer is wrong?

Maybe Google AI has achieved AGI and is trolling you.



I dont see ai results from Google.
Is it active only in the US for now?


@dave0 it obviously learned sarcasm and the nonsense of religions. Good AI..

Amy Dentata

@dave0 I'm sure after a few billion manual tweaks inputted by humans, it will give reliable answers

Funky Bob

@dave0 I've said this else where, it bears repeating.

Nobody is working as hard as Google to break the world of the habit to say "just Google it!".


@dave0 Ask it which parts of a pig are kosher.


@dave0 if you got influenced by that, it is more your problem than theirs.

I mean, if we need to worry about someone wondering about cows religions, we are screwed


@dave0 did you follow up and ask about cow's religious worships?

I'm still wondering why people keep on calling #LLM for #AI


@dave0 It's not that LLMs are bad for bullshitting, it's because they steal content, and completely miss-convey the original - sarcastic - meaning

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