“Vladmir Putin took steps to shut down Telegram when it first appeared in Russia...”
“But in 2018 the Kremlin suddenly ended its pursuit of Telegram, where it is now one of Russia's most popular social media apps - even with the Russian military. A leading Russian pro-war blogger joked after Durov's arrest: "De-facto they detained the head of communications for the Russian Army".”
“A rival encrypted messaging app Signal, whose servers, unlike many of Telegram's are not hosted in Russia, was recently banned there.”
“Vladmir Putin took steps to shut down Telegram when it first appeared in Russia...”
“But in 2018 the Kremlin suddenly ended its pursuit of Telegram, where it is now one of Russia's most popular social media apps - even with the Russian military. A leading Russian pro-war blogger joked after Durov's arrest: "De-facto they detained the head of communications for the Russian Army".”
@richlv or maybe he is eager not to fall into Kremlin's hands. Who knows?