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@rysiek they are routinely reported as secure/encrypted when they are in the news - I saw several stories repeating this with the news of the arrest in France.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@rysiek @simonboggis AFAIK #Durov got arrested because #Germany #MLAT'ed #France for #NetzDG violations and he refused to integrate #Govware #Backdoors in compliance with French Law, which is rather a case if #incompetence by #LEA|s than actual #security.

- The only "#encryption" that #Telegram has is using #HTTPS - that's it!

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@kkarhan it's worse than HTTPS, MTProto broadcasts cleartext a device identifier.


@kkarhan @simonboggis @rysiek Mass civil disobedience really should be taking place regarding this. Especially since France *pretends* to have a Right to Silence.

Key Disclosure & Right to Silence are fundamentally incompatible.
FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@simonboggis @rysiek

Yeah, it is weird how articles about Telegram in mainstream press try to paint it as some kind of trusted privacy service.

Has Telegram PR department been briefing press in this way?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@FediThing @simonboggis yes. Media is basically parroting Telegram's marketing language without giving it a second thought.

Rich Felker

@rysiek @FediThing @simonboggis Plus they have a cult of toxic fans who "correct" anyone who tries to set the record straight...

Hobson Lane

*State sponsored* toxic fans (assets) on both sides of the Ukraine war
@rysiek @FediThing @simonboggis

Rich Felker

@kkarhan @rysiek @FediThing @simonboggis That hasn't been my experience. Signal users who like it also complain about the phone number thing all the time and want it fixed. Rather than lying that it has security properties it doesn't.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@dalias @rysiek @FediThing @simonboggis OFC, the comparison isn't fair towards @signalapp , abeit their #Shitcoin #Scam called #MobileCoin and "selected availability" of it disqualifies them too.

- It's just unnecessary #bloat and unlike #Monero it's neither available anywhere nor privacy-friendly!

Yvan DS 🗺️ :ferris: :go:

@dalias @kkarhan @rysiek @FediThing @simonboggis I can conccur. I like signal but I will openly say there's improvements to be made.
And I wouldn't be surprised if something else takes it's place at some point.

I mean there's even a fork of their client called Molly that provides more features.
There's session, there's Briar, ...
But I like signal, I hope they improve. The username is a nice step in the right direction.

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