@pheraph that’s reassuring! Do you know if published papers tend to do that? Any way for me to tell if this one works properly? https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-research2023-media/pubtools/1004848.pdf
@pheraph that’s reassuring! Do you know if published papers tend to do that? Any way for me to tell if this one works properly? https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-research2023-media/pubtools/1004848.pdf 3 comments
@simon This specific PDF is not tagged for accessibility, and is literally unreadable with NVDA plus Acrobat Reader on Windows. For instance, here's an excerpt of what I'm hearing: > SQLhasbeenextremelysuccessfulasthedefactostandardlanguageforworkingwithdata.Virtuallyallmainstreamdatabase-like systemsuseSQLastheirprimaryquerylanguage.ButSQLisan oldlanguagewithsignificantdesignproblems,makingitdifficultto learn,difficulttouse, |
@simon I am no expert in that field, maybe @yatil has an answer. In my experience PDF files often have tons of accessibility issues. You can check your specific document here: https://pave-pdf.org/pave/index.html It should highlight if the reading order isn’t specified.