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Darius Kazemi

Another day, another giant Twitter thread I have to do calling out incredibly harmful unsubstantiated claims from major research institutions. This time it's a CMU lab saying that 30% of of BLM tweets are "guaranteed" bots. I break down all the harmful assumption behind that on twitter. (Sorry to keep linking there but I try to hit the disinfo where it is actually spreading.)

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Dorian Gray’s Papaya

@darius unrelated, but when I saw your avatar pop up in TweetDeck for a moment I thought “did I open the wrong app?”

Keep up the good work.


@darius I share your anger, this harmful misinformation is infuriating for many reasons. These people are complicit with the violence that we see because they provide "scientific" framework for writing off real people.

forklift operator

Mostly sharing because I saw that "50% of tweets about reopening America are made by bots" like 10 times and just accepted it as fact. Thanks for setting the record straight

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