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@LeoBurr @fesshole @the_gneech truth is defense of defamation (in US at least, more complicated elsewhere), but to be clear, these agreements often go above and beyond that. Whether they hold up in court is another story and a lawyer can comment on that looking at the actual wording. But I am pretty sure you can sign agreements that prevent you from even saying the truth, as long as the scope is appropriate, there is condsideration, etc. And they can't stop you from reporting illegal activity.

LeoBurr :leoburr:

@PlasmaGryphon @fesshole @the_gneech You can sign agreements indicating that you are a walnut. It doesn’t mean it holds up in court. :)


@LeoBurr @PlasmaGryphon @fesshole @the_gneech The extra pay is contingent on not disparaging them for some period of time. If you disparage them, regardless of whether it’s true or not, you would be in breach of contract and subject to the penalties in the contract (probably have to pay back the severance pay plus some amount of damages).

Truth of a statement is only a defense against *liability for* slander or libel, and only in some jurisdictions. Doesn’t affect the contract dispute, since it’s not a lawsuit over liability for the disparagement, just over the breach of the contract.

@LeoBurr @PlasmaGryphon @fesshole @the_gneech The extra pay is contingent on not disparaging them for some period of time. If you disparage them, regardless of whether it’s true or not, you would be in breach of contract and subject to the penalties in the contract (probably have to pay back the severance pay plus some amount of damages).

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