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Fediverse Symbol ⁂

@PaulaToThePeople It is a proposal, as said in the first line of the article. We don’t want, and can’t impose it, obviously!

Paula - rip Natenom

@FediverseSymbol Yeah, but it's a concrete proposal.
That makes finding a democratically chosen unicode character way harder. Every other suggestion would have to create their own campain, but this one already has a headstart and a subdomain of one of the most famous fedi-meta-domains.
I don't think anyone will want to spend the time and money to compete with that.

Fediverse Symbol ⁂

@PaulaToThePeople This all started as an open question “whats the best unicode character to represent the fediverse?”

Paula - rip Natenom

@FediverseSymbol Okay so there was a post with 13 boosts and 4 suggestions (ignoring the joke suggestions).

And then you go with one suggestion and start a big campaign.

Sounds like the wrong succession to me, to make a real democratic effort.

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