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Simon Willison

I like this idea, but I worry about accessibility

I just tried using the Mobile Safari “read this page” feature and it skipped right over the ⁂ symbol as if it wasn’t even there

James Scholes

@simon My screen reader (NVDA) announces it, but it's four syllables so might get a bit tedious. No idea about other SRs or how it manifests in braille.

Simon Willison

@jscholes neat, that’s what the Fediverse symbol people would want I think

Wish Apple’s reader mode would speak that out loud

Simon Willison

@FediverseSymbol maybe this is an Apple bug? At least one screen reader, NVDA, pronounces the symbol correctly as “Asterism”

Fediverse Symbol ⁂

@simon Ah, that’s annoying, would have expected “asterism” or some description. Depending on the usage, the symbol might be decorative and that’s maybe okay. But we need to think about cases where it convey meaning.

Simon Willison

@FediverseSymbol one option could be to share a snippet of HTML that reads correctly - maybe a span with an aria label of some sort that wraps the symbol?

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