@chriscoyier yip - I end up going through a slightly convoluted way of tricking Google fonts into letting me download the file, and then self host.
@chriscoyier yip - I end up going through a slightly convoluted way of tricking Google fonts into letting me download the file, and then self host. 11 comments
@mvsde @chriscoyier yeah the Google fonts feature doesn't really do it, I forget the route I took last time but it involved copying and pasting from the files and codes Google gives to get to the woffs, haha. Thank you! @sarajw @mvsde @chriscoyier Yeah, you can copy-paste the embed url into your browser to get the woff2 url and then copy-paste that to download it. Much more useful than downloading the TTF, for web at least. @sarajw @mvsde @chriscoyier an other good place is https://fontlibrary.org/. and you can use https://www.fontsquirrel.com/ to convert any font to a web font, it gives you all the code samples you need @ocdtrekkie @sarajw @chriscoyier You can download from Fontsource directly, but the npm packages are nice if you have a build setup already that can consume them. You always get up-to-date font files and font-family declarations. Especially helpful for CJK fonts that are split into a hundred or so smaller files to speed up performance in browsers. @kraftner I’ve used this one for a long time! But it looks like the font source site linked above is more up to date, and has variable fonts where those exist. For example compare the Karla font on both sites — gwfh has only the older individual font files for each weight |
@sarajw @chriscoyier A great site for downloading open source fonts is https://fontsource.org.
They provide files already converted to WOFF2, unlike the Google Fonts download feature.